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IT Destination

The Premium
It Infrastructure
in Kerala

Ensuring Safety at the Workplace

Date : 11/06/2024

Infopark and Kerala Fire and Rescue Services, Thrikkakara, organised a fire safety mock drill on June 10th at Athulya, Infopark Kochi Phase 1. The mock drill was coordinated by the fire officers of Thrikkakara Fire Station, who then talked about fire safety and demonstrated fire extinguishers to the employees of various IT/ITeS companies gathered at the fire assembly point. The objective of this mock drill was to train employees on how to effectively handle emergency situations at work. Through realistic simulations and hands-on exercises, participants were educated on the best practices for responding to potential hazards. The session emphasised the importance of quick thinking, coordinated efforts, and adherence to safety protocols to ensure the well-being of everyone in the workplace.Click here